喀左ssl適用于網(wǎng)站、小程序/APP、API接口等需要進行數(shù)據(jù)傳輸應用場景,ssl證書未來市場廣闊!成為成都創(chuàng)新互聯(lián)公司的ssl證書銷售渠道,可以享受市場價格4-6折優(yōu)惠!如果有意向歡迎電話聯(lián)系或者加微信:13518219792(備注:SSL證書合作)期待與您的合作!# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from kashgari.corpus import DataReader import re from tqdm import tqdm def cut_text(text, lenth): textArr = re.findall('.{' + str(lenth) + '}', text) textArr.append(text[(len(textArr) * lenth):]) return textArr def clean_data(source_file, target_file, ner_model): data_x, data_y = DataReader().read_conll_format_file(source_file) with tqdm(total=len(data_x)) as pbar: for idx, text_array in enumerate(data_x): if len(text_array) <= 100: ners = ner_model.predict([text_array]) ner = ners[0] else: texts = cut_text(''.join(text_array), 100) ners = [] for text in texts: ner = ner_model.predict([[char for char in text]]) ners = ners + ner[0] ner = ners # print('[-----------------------', idx, len(data_x)) # print(data_y[idx]) # print(ner) for jdx, t in enumerate(text_array): if ner[jdx].startswith('B') or ner[jdx].startswith('I') : if data_y[idx][jdx] == 'O': data_y[idx][jdx] = ner[jdx] # print(data_y[idx]) # print('-----------------------]') pbar.update(1) f = open(target_file, 'a', encoding="utf-8") for idx, text_array in enumerate(data_x): if idx != 0: f.writelines(['\n']) for jdx, t in enumerate(text_array): text = t + ' ' + data_y[idx][jdx] if idx == 0 and jdx == 0: text = text else: text = '\n' + text f.writelines([text]) f.close() data_x2, data_y2 = DataReader().read_conll_format_file(source_file) print(data_x == data_x2, len(data_y) == len(data_y2), '數(shù)據(jù)清洗完成')