創(chuàng)新互聯(lián)專注于企業(yè)營銷型網(wǎng)站、網(wǎng)站重做改版、大洼網(wǎng)站定制設(shè)計、自適應(yīng)品牌網(wǎng)站建設(shè)、H5開發(fā)、商城網(wǎng)站定制開發(fā)、集團公司官網(wǎng)建設(shè)、成都外貿(mào)網(wǎng)站建設(shè)、高端網(wǎng)站制作、響應(yīng)式網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計等建站業(yè)務(wù),價格優(yōu)惠性價比高,為大洼等各大城市提供網(wǎng)站開發(fā)制作服務(wù)。1、下載組件 wxlogin
npm install vue-wxlogin --save
5、重定向的url:需要在/tupian/20230522/pp7、如果報錯說不能從組件跳到頁面,那就找到wxlogin組件里面的iframe標(biāo)簽,加上這個屬性:sandbox=“allow-scripts allow-top-navigation allow-same-origin”
qrconnect?scope=snsapi_login&redirect_uri=http%3a%2f%2f%2f&state=&login_type=jssdk&self_redirect=false&style=black&href=:84 Unsafe JavaScript attempt to initiate navigation for frame with origin 'http://localhost:9020' from frame with URL ''. The frame attempting navigation is targeting its top-level window, but is neither same-origin with its target nor has it received a user gesture. See```
const qs = require('qs') //應(yīng)用授權(quán)作用域,snsapi_base (不彈出授權(quán)頁面,直接跳轉(zhuǎn),只能獲取用戶openid),snsapi_userinfo (彈出授權(quán)頁面,可通過openid拿到昵稱、性別、所在地。并且,即使在未關(guān)注的情況下,只要用戶授權(quán),也能獲取其信息) const SCOPES = ['snsapi_base', 'snsapi_userinfo'] class VueWechatAuthPlugin { constructor () { this.appid = null this.redirect_uri = null this.scope = SCOPES[1] this._code = null this._redirect_uri = null } install (Vue, options) { let wechatAuth = this this.setAppId(options.appid) Vue.mixin({ created: function () { this.$wechatAuth = wechatAuth }, }) } static makeState () { return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) } setAppId (appid) { this.appid = appid } set redirect_uri (redirect_uri) { this._redirect_uri = encodeURIComponent(redirect_uri) } get redirect_uri () { return this._redirect_uri } get state () { return localStorage.getItem('wechat_auth:state') } set state (state) { localStorage.setItem('wechat_auth:state', state) } get authUrl () { if (this.appid === null) { throw 'appid must not be null' } if (this.redirect_uri === null) { throw 'redirect uri must not be null' } this.state = VueWechatAuthPlugin.makeState() return `${this.appid}&redirect_uri=${this.redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=${this.scope}&state=${this.state}#wechat_redirect` } returnFromWechat (redirect_uri) { let parsedUrl = qs.parse(redirect_uri.split('?')[1]) if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { // console.log('parsedUrl: ', parsedUrl) this.state = null this._code = parsedUrl.code } else { if (this.state === null) { throw 'You did\'t set state' } if (parsedUrl.state === this.state) { this.state = null this._code = parsedUrl.code } else { this.state = null throw `Wrong state: ${parsedUrl.state}` } } } get code () { if (this._code === null) { throw 'Not get the code from wechat server!' } // console.log(this) // console.log('this._code: ' + this._code) let code = this._code this._code = null // console.log('code: ' + code) return code } } const vueWechatAuthPlugin = new VueWechatAuthPlugin() if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) { window.Vue.use(VueWechatAuthPlugin) } export default vueWechatAuthPlugin