創(chuàng)新互聯(lián)是專業(yè)的尼元陽網(wǎng)站建設(shè)公司,尼元陽接單;提供網(wǎng)站設(shè)計制作、網(wǎng)站設(shè)計,網(wǎng)頁設(shè)計,網(wǎng)站設(shè)計,建網(wǎng)站,PHP網(wǎng)站建設(shè)等專業(yè)做網(wǎng)站服務(wù);采用PHP框架,可快速的進(jìn)行尼元陽網(wǎng)站開發(fā)網(wǎng)頁制作和功能擴展;專業(yè)做搜索引擎喜愛的網(wǎng)站,專業(yè)的做網(wǎng)站團(tuán)隊,希望更多企業(yè)前來合作!一. 寫在前面
日志系統(tǒng)對于任何項目都是必不可少的,無論對于測試階段的debug,性能測試,執(zhí)行時間,操作記錄還是線上的問題排查,訪問記錄等,日志系統(tǒng)都扮演著重要的角色。本篇分享的目的是能幫助需要的人快速搭建自己的LogSystem.,僅供參考。 先上個圖唄,自認(rèn)為頁面還算清爽吧:
二. Log4Net自定義內(nèi)容入庫
using System; namespace LogComponent { public class LogContent { public LogContent(string logLevel, string logMsg, string logModule, string description, string userName) { LogLevel = logLevel; UserName = userName; Description = description; LogMsg = logMsg; LogModule = logModule; } ////// 日志級別 /// public string LogLevel { get; set; } ////// 日志消息 /// public string LogMsg { get; set; } ////// 系統(tǒng)登陸用戶 /// public string UserName { get; set; } ////// 日志描述信息 /// public string Description { get; set; } ////// 記錄時間 /// public DateTime LogDate { get; set; } ////// 模塊名稱 /// public string LogModule { get; set; } } }
[assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch = true,ConfigFile = "log4net.config")] namespace LogComponent { public class LogHelper { static log4net.ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("myLogger"); ////// 異常日志 /// /// 日志信息 /// 代碼模塊 /// 其他描述 /// 用戶名 public static void LogError(string logMsg, string logModule, string description = "", string userName = "") { log.Error(new LogContent("Error", SubLogString(logMsg), logModule, SubLogString(description), userName)); } public static void LogInfo(string logMsg, string logModule, string description = "", string userName = "") { log.Info(new LogContent("Info", SubLogString(logMsg), logModule, SubLogString(description), userName)); } public static void LogWarn(string logMsg, string logModule, string description = "", string userName = "") { log.Warn(new LogContent("Warn", SubLogString(logMsg), logModule, SubLogString(description), userName)); } public static void LogDebug(string logMsg, string logModule, string description = "", string userName = "") { log.Debug(new LogContent("Debug", SubLogString(logMsg), logModule, SubLogString(description), userName)); } private static string SubLogString(string str) { if (str.Length > 1500) { return str.Substring(0, 1500); } return str; } } }
using log4net.Core; using log4net.Layout.Pattern; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; namespace LogComponent { class MessagePatternConverter : PatternLayoutConverter { protected override void Convert(TextWriter writer, LoggingEvent loggingEvent) { if (Option != null) { // Write the value for the specified key WriteObject(writer, loggingEvent.Repository, LookupProperty(Option, loggingEvent)); } else { // Write all the key value pairs WriteDictionary(writer, loggingEvent.Repository, loggingEvent.GetProperties()); } } ////// 通過反射獲取傳入的日志對象的某個屬性的值 /// /// ///private object LookupProperty(string property, log4net.Core.LoggingEvent loggingEvent) { object propertyValue = string.Empty; PropertyInfo propertyInfo = loggingEvent.MessageObject.GetType().GetProperty(property); if (propertyInfo != null) propertyValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(loggingEvent.MessageObject, null); return propertyValue; } } }
using log4net.Layout; namespace LogComponent { class MyLayout : PatternLayout { public MyLayout() { this.AddConverter("property", typeof(MessagePatternConverter)); } } }
三. 把Log信息可視化
public class xxxDal { private SqlHelper _sqlHelper = new SqlHelper(); ////// 獲取xxx的日志 /// /// ///public List GetxxxLog(SM_LogModel model) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); List sqlParameters = new List (); StringBuilder sqlWhere = new StringBuilder(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LogStartTime)) { sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LogStartTime", model.LogStartTime)); sqlWhere.Append(@" AND h.LogDate > @LogStartTime"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LogEndTime)) { sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LogEndTime", model.LogEndTime)); sqlWhere.Append(@" AND h.LogDate < @LogEndTime"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LogLevel)) { sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LogLevel", model.LogLevel)); sqlWhere.Append(@" AND h.LogLevel = @LogLevel"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LogModule)) { sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LogModule", model.LogModule)); sqlWhere.Append(@" AND h.LogModule = @LogModule"); } sql.AppendFormat(@" WITH t AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY id DESC ) AS IndexNum , [Id] , CONVERT(VARCHAR, [LogDate], 21) AS [LogDate] , [UserName] , SUBSTRING([Description], 0, 150) AS [Description] , SUBSTRING([LogMsg], 0, 200) AS [LogMsg] , [LogLevel] , [LogModule] FROM [LogSystem].[dbo].[xxxLog] h WHERE 1 = 1 {0} ) SELECT * FROM t WHERE IndexNum > @startIndex AND indexnum < @endIndex", sqlWhere); sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@startIndex", model.Start)); sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@endIndex", model.Start + model.Length)); DataTable dt = _sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql.ToString(), sqlParameters.ToArray()); return DataTableTools .DataTableToList(dt); } public int GetxxxLogTotalCount(SM_LogModel model) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); List sqlParameters = new List (); sql.Append(@" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [HdPubLog] h where 1=1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LogStartTime)) { sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LogStartTime", model.LogStartTime)); sql.Append(@" AND h.LogDate > @LogStartTime"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LogEndTime)) { sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LogEndTime", model.LogEndTime)); sql.Append(@" AND h.LogDate < @LogEndTime"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LogLevel)) { sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LogLevel", model.LogLevel)); sql.Append(@" AND h.LogLevel = @LogLevel"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.LogModule)) { sqlParameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LogModule", model.LogModule)); sql.Append(@" AND h.LogModule = @LogModule"); } return _sqlHelper.ExecuteScalar (sql.ToString(), sqlParameters.ToArray()); } [HttpPost] public LogModel GetxxxxSignelLog(int id) { string sql = @" SELECT [Id] , CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), [LogDate], 21) AS [LogDate] , [UserName] , [Description] , [LogMsg] , [LogLevel] , [LogModule] , [Id] IndexNum FROM [LogSystem].[dbo].[xxxxLog] h WHERE h.id = @Id"; var row = _sqlHelper.ExecuteDataRow(sql, new SqlParameter("@Id", id)); return DataTableTools .DataRowToModel(row); } }