102400){ $error=1; $msg = "The photo is over 100kb. Please try again."; } //////////////////////////////// // CHECK TYPE (IE AND OTHERS) // if ($userfile_type="image/pjpeg"){ if ($userfile_type!="image/jpeg"){ $error=1; $msg = "The photo must be JPG"; } } ////////////////////////////// //CHECK WIDTH/HEIGHT // if ($large_width!=600 or$large_height!=400){ $error=1; $msg = "The photo must be 600x400 pixels"; } /////////////////////////////////////////// //CREATE THUMB / UPLOAD THUMB AND PHOTO /// if ($error<>1){ $image = $userfile_name; //if you want to insert it to the database $pic = imagecreatefromjpeg($userfile); $small = imagecreatetruecolor($small_width,$small_height); imagecopyresampled($small,$pic,0,0,0,0, $small_width, $small_height, $large_width, $large_height); if (imagejpeg($small,"path/to/folder/to/upload/thumb".$userfile_name, 100)){ $large = imagecreatetruecolor($large_width,$large_height); imagecopyresampled($large,$pic,0,0,0,0, $large_width, $large_height, $large_width, $large_height); if (imagejpeg($large,"path/to/folder/to/upload/photo".$userfile_name, 100)) {} else {$msg="A problem has occured. Please try again."; $error=1;} } else { $msg="A problem has occured. Please try again."; $error=1; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// /// If everything went right a photo (600x400) and /// a thumb(120x90) were uploaded to the given folders } ?>create thumb