Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim birth As String
Dim year As Integer
Dim month As Integer
Dim day As String
Dim old As Integer
Dim season As String
Dim sx As Integer
Dim fx As String
birth = Trim(Str(InputBox("請輸入您的生日,格式為19741212")))
year = Val(Left(birth, 4))
month = Val(Mid(birth, 5, 2))
day = Right(birth, 2)
old = 2015 - year
Select Case month
Case Is = 3
season = "春季"
Case Is = 6
season = "夏季"
Case Is = 9
season = "秋季"
Case Is = 12
season = "冬季"
End Select
sx = (year - 2016) Mod 12
If sx 0 Then
sx = sx + 12
End If
Select Case sx
Case 0
fx = "猴"
Case 1
fx = "雞"
Case 2
fx = "狗"
Case 3
fx = "豬"
Case 4
fx = "鼠"
Case 5
fx = "牛"
Case 6
fx = "虎"
Case 7
fx = "兔"
Case 8
fx = "龍"
Case 9
fx = "蛇"
Case 10
fx = "馬"
Case 11
fx = "羊"
End Select
MsgBox "您的年齡為:" old vbCrLf "您的出生季節(jié)為:" season vbCrLf "您的屬相為:" fx
End Sub
Function age(ByVal till As Date, ByVal birth As Date) As String
Dim year As Integer = 0 '年
year = till.Year - birth.Year
If year 0 Then
Return ""
End If
If year = 0 Then
End If
If year 0 Then
If till.Month birth.Month Then
year = year - 1
ElseIf till.Month birth.Month Then
ElseIf till.Month = birth.Month Then
If till.Day birth.Day Then
year = year - 1
ElseIf till.Day = birth.Day Then
End If
End If
End If
Dim month As Integer = till.Month - birth.Month
If month 0 Then
month = 12 + month
If till.Day birth.Day Then
month = month - 1
ElseIf till.Day = birth.Day Then
End If
ElseIf month = 0 Then
If till.Day birth.Day Then
month = 11
ElseIf till.Day = birth.Day Then
End If
ElseIf month 0 Then
If till.Day birth.Day Then
month = month - 1
ElseIf till.Day = birth.Day Then
End If
End If
Dim day As Integer = till.Day - birth.Day
If day = 0 Then
ElseIf day 0 Then
day = Date.DaysInMonth(birth.Year, birth.Month) - birth.Day + till.Day
End If
Return year "歲" month "月" day "天"
End Function
dim s as string,y as string i as long
msgbox i
Private Sub Command1_Click()
If IsDate(Text1) = False Then
MsgBox "輸入時間錯誤!"
Exit Sub
End If
Text2 = Round(DateDiff("m", Text1, Now) / 12, 1) "歲"
End Sub
Public Class 主窗體
Dim 身份證號碼 As String
Dim 生日年份 As String
Dim 生日月份 As String
Dim 生日日期 As String
Dim 生日 As Date
Private Sub 輸出生日按鈕_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles 輸出生日按鈕.Click
If 身份證號碼輸入框.TextLength = 15 Then
身份證號碼 = 身份證號碼輸入框.Text
生日年份 = "19" 身份證號碼.Substring(6, 2)
生日月份 = 身份證號碼.Substring(8, 2)
生日日期 = 身份證號碼.Substring(10, 2)
ElseIf 身份證號碼輸入框.TextLength = 18
身份證號碼 = 身份證號碼輸入框.Text
生日年份 = 身份證號碼.Substring(6, 4)
生日月份 = 身份證號碼.Substring(10, 2)
生日日期 = 身份證號碼.Substring(12, 2)
MsgBox("請輸入正確的身份證號碼!", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "身份證號碼有誤")
Exit Sub
End If
If IsNumeric(生日年份) And IsNumeric(生日月份) And IsNumeric(生日日期) Then
生日 = New Date(生日年份, 生日月份, 生日日期)
End If
生日標簽.Text = 生日.ToLongDateString
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
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