

vb.net極坐標(biāo) 用vb編寫(xiě)極坐標(biāo)曲線(xiàn)圖形

vb.net 畫(huà)二維數(shù)組的曲線(xiàn)圖

Private Sub PictureBox2_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles PictureBox2.Paint


Dim points As New List(Of Point)

points.Add(New Point(0, 0))

points.Add(New Point(1, 10))

points.Add(New Point(3, 15))

points.Add(New Point(14, 0))

points.Add(New Point(20, 60))

points.Add(New Point(40, 20))

points.Add(New Point(70, 50))

e.Graphics.DrawCurve(Pens.Red, points.ToArray)

End Sub





Scale (-300,200)-(300,-200)


Scale (800,0)-(0,600)




Scale (-300, 200)-(300, -200)

Line (-300, 0)-(300, 0) '畫(huà)x軸

Line (0, 200)-(0, -200) '畫(huà)y軸

CurrentX = 290

CurrentY = -5

Print "x" '標(biāo)示x軸

CurrentX = 5

CurrentY = 200

Print "y" '標(biāo)示y軸

CurrentX = 5

CurrentY = -5

Print "0" '標(biāo)示原點(diǎn)

在VB.net中怎么獲取 鼠標(biāo)在屏幕中的坐標(biāo)

Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long '全屏坐標(biāo)聲明

Private Declare Function ScreenToClient Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Int32, ByRef lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Int32 '窗口坐標(biāo)聲明

Private Structure POINTAPI '聲明坐標(biāo)變量

Public x As Int32 '聲明坐標(biāo)變量為32位

Public y As Int32 '聲明坐標(biāo)變量為32位

End Structure



Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick '用時(shí)鐘控件來(lái)取坐標(biāo),窗口上放個(gè)Timer組件,Enabled為允許,周期為10到100毫秒均可

Dim P As POINTAPI '聲明坐標(biāo)變量

Dim xx, yy '聲明轉(zhuǎn)換要用到的變量

GetCursorPos(P) '獲取鼠標(biāo)在屏幕中的位置

ScreenToClient(Me.Handle.ToInt32, P) '轉(zhuǎn)換為本窗體的坐標(biāo)

xx = P.x.ToString '把X轉(zhuǎn)換成能顯示到文本框的字符串格式

yy = P.y.ToString '把Y轉(zhuǎn)換成能顯示到文本框的字符串格式

TextBox1.Text = xx + "和" + yy '文本框的內(nèi)容為X坐標(biāo)和Y坐標(biāo)

End Sub

平面坐標(biāo)二維定位vb 或vb.net

窗體上放一個(gè)textbox 兩條line 一個(gè)label 代碼粘貼 運(yùn)行 即見(jiàn)效果



'**說(shuō) 明:小鳥(niǎo)工作室 版權(quán)所有2007 - 2008(C)1

'**創(chuàng) 建 人:秋色烽火

'**日 期:2007-12-18 14:08:15

'**版 本:V1.0.0


Const DPITCH = 300 '點(diǎn)距

Dim WithEvents oControlx1 As Line

Dim WithEvents oControlx2 As Line

Dim WithEvents oControly1 As Line

Dim WithEvents oControly2 As Line

Dim WithEvents oControlShape As Shape

Dim WithEvents oControlPixinfo As Label

Dim DPCound%, PixID%, PixBackColor, dotx%, doty%

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Caption = "平面座標(biāo) - by 秋色烽火[小鳥(niǎo)工作室]"

Me.Height = 9300

Me.Width = 9300

Line1.X1 = 150

Line1.X2 = Me.Width - 150

Line1.Y1 = Me.Height / 2

Line1.Y2 = Line1.Y1

Line2.Y1 = 150

Line2.Y2 = Me.Height - 150

Line2.X1 = Me.Width / 2

Line2.X2 = Line2.X1

Label1.Width = 255

Label1.Height = 255

Label1.AutoSize = ture

Label1.BackStyle = 0

Label1.FontItalic = True

Label1.FontBold = True

Label1.FontSize = 10

Label1.ForeColor = HFF

Label1.Caption = "O"

Label1.Left = Me.Width / 2 + Label1.Width - 100

Label1.Top = Me.Height / 2 - Label1.Height

Text1.Text = ""

Call AddLine

Text1.ToolTipText = "請(qǐng)輸入整數(shù)座標(biāo)(x,y) 中間用英文逗號(hào)分隔~(yú)~~,雙擊文本框或回車(chē)開(kāi)始標(biāo)注" vbCrLf " 右擊顯示幫助信息 " vbCrLf "輸入座標(biāo)請(qǐng)介乎于" DPCound \ 2 "至" -1 * DPCound \ 2 "之間~~"

PixID = 0

End Sub

Sub AddLine()

DPCound = (Me.Width - 300) / DPITCH - 2

For i = DPCound \ 2 + 1 To DPCound

Set oControlx1 = Controls.Add("VB.Line", "lineW" i, Me)

Set oControlx2 = Controls.Add("VB.Line", "lineW" DPCound \ 2 - (i - (DPCound \ 2 + 1)), Me)

Set oControly1 = Controls.Add("VB.Line", "lineH" i, Me)

Set oControly2 = Controls.Add("VB.Line", "lineH" DPCound \ 2 - (i - (DPCound \ 2 + 1)), Me)

With oControlx1

.Visible = True '顯示

.X1 = Me.Width / 2 + (i - DPCound \ 2) * DPITCH

.X2 = Me.Width / 2 + (i - DPCound \ 2) * DPITCH

.Y1 = Me.Height / 2 - 60

.Y2 = Me.Height / 2 + 60

End With

With oControlx2

.Visible = True '顯示

.X1 = Me.Width / 2 - (i - DPCound \ 2) * DPITCH

.X2 = Me.Width / 2 - (i - DPCound \ 2) * DPITCH

.Y1 = Me.Height / 2 - 60

.Y2 = Me.Height / 2 + 60

End With

With oControly1

.Visible = True '顯示

.Y1 = Me.Height / 2 + (i - DPCound \ 2) * DPITCH

.Y2 = Me.Height / 2 + (i - DPCound \ 2) * DPITCH

.X1 = Me.Width / 2 - 60

.X2 = Me.Width / 2 + 60

End With

With oControly2

.Visible = True '顯示

.Y1 = Me.Height / 2 - (i - DPCound \ 2) * DPITCH

.Y2 = Me.Height / 2 - (i - DPCound \ 2) * DPITCH

.X1 = Me.Width / 2 - 60

.X2 = Me.Width / 2 + 60

End With


End Sub

Sub AddPix()

If InStr(Text1.Text, ",") 0 Then

If IsNumeric(Mid$(Text1.Text, 1, InStr(Text1.Text, ",") - 1)) And IsNumeric(Mid$(Text1.Text, InStr(Text1.Text, ",") + 1, Len(Text1.Text))) Then

If CInt(Mid$(Text1.Text, 1, InStr(Text1.Text, ",") - 1)) = DPCound \ 2 And CInt(Mid$(Text1.Text, 1, InStr(Text1.Text, ",") - 1)) = -1 * DPCound \ 2 Then

PixID = PixID + 1

Set oControlShape = Controls.Add("VB.Shape", "Pix" PixID, Me)

Set oControlPixinfo = Controls.Add("VB.Label", "Pixinfo" PixID, Me)

With oControlShape

.Visible = True '顯示

.Shape = 3

'.BorderColor = HFF

.BackColor = HFF 'RGB(Int(Rnd * 255), Int(Rnd * 255), Int(Rnd * 255)) 'HFF

.BackStyle = 1

.BorderStyle = 0

.Width = 75

.Height = 75

.Left = Me.Width / 2 + CInt(Mid$(Text1.Text, 1, InStr(Text1.Text, ",") - 1)) * DPITCH

.Top = Me.Height / 2 - CInt(Mid$(Text1.Text, InStr(Text1.Text, ",") + 1, Len(Text1.Text))) * DPITCH

dotx = .Left

doty = .Top

PixBackColor = .BackColor

End With

With oControlPixinfo

.Visible = True '顯示

.BackStyle = 0

' .FontItalic = True

'.FontBold = True

.FontSize = 9

.ForeColor = HFF 'PixBackColor 'HFF

.Caption = "[" PixID "]" CStr(CInt(Mid$(Text1.Text, 1, InStr(Text1.Text, ",") - 1))) "," CInt(Mid$(Text1.Text, InStr(Text1.Text, ",") + 1, Len(Text1.Text)))

.Width = 1000

.Height = 255

.Left = dotx

.Top = doty - .Height

.AutoSize = ture

End With

Text1.Text = ""


MsgBox "輸入座標(biāo)請(qǐng)介乎于" DPCound \ 2 "至" -1 * DPCound \ 2 "之間~~", , "錯(cuò)誤"

Text1.Text = ""

End If


MsgBox "座標(biāo)請(qǐng)使用數(shù)字輸入", , "錯(cuò)誤"

Text1.Text = ""

End If


MsgBox "輸入的座標(biāo)請(qǐng)使用英文逗號(hào) , 進(jìn)行分隔", , "錯(cuò)誤"

Text1.Text = ""

End If

End Sub

Sub init()

If PixID 0 Then

If MsgBox("確實(shí)要清空所有標(biāo)注點(diǎn)嗎?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation + vbDefaultButton2 + vbMsgBoxSetForeground + vbSystemModal, "信息!") = vbOK Then

For i = 1 To PixID

Controls.Remove "Pix" i

Controls.Remove "Pixinfo" i


PixID = 0

End If

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_DblClick()

Call AddPix

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)

If KeyCode = 13 Then

Call AddPix

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Text1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

If Button = 2 Then

MsgBox "請(qǐng)輸入整數(shù)座標(biāo)(x,y) 中間用英文逗號(hào)分隔~(yú)~~,雙擊文本框或回車(chē)開(kāi)始標(biāo)注" vbCrLf "輸入座標(biāo)請(qǐng)介乎于" DPCound \ 2 "至" -1 * DPCound \ 2 "之間~~" vbCrLf "中鍵清空所有創(chuàng)建的座標(biāo)", , "幫助"

End If

If Button = 4 Then

Call init

End If

End Sub





'Dim a, b As Integer

'a = 14

'b = 14

'Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

'Text1.Text = a "," b

'a = a - 1

'b = b - 1

'Call Text1_KeyDown(13, 1)

'End Sub

文章名稱(chēng):vb.net極坐標(biāo) 用vb編寫(xiě)極坐標(biāo)曲線(xiàn)圖形







