對于任何涉及到統(tǒng)計、時間序列以及其他相關(guān)技術(shù)的數(shù)據(jù)分析問題,都可以考慮使用 Pandas庫 。
為了讓你先體驗(yàn)下,下面是一個使用Pandas來分析芝加哥城市的 老鼠和嚙齒類動物數(shù)據(jù)庫 的例子。 在我寫這篇文章的時候,這個數(shù)據(jù)庫是一個擁有大概74,000行數(shù)據(jù)的CSV文件。
>>> import pandas >>> # Read a CSV file, skipping last line >>> rats = pandas.read_csv('rats.csv', skip_footer=1) >>> ratsInt64Index: 74055 entries, 0 to 74054 Data columns: Creation Date 74055 non-null values Status 74055 non-null values Completion Date 72154 non-null values Service Request Number 74055 non-null values Type of Service Request 74055 non-null values Number of Premises Baited 65804 non-null values Number of Premises with Garbage 65600 non-null values Number of Premises with Rats 65752 non-null values Current Activity 66041 non-null values Most Recent Action 66023 non-null values Street Address 74055 non-null values ZIP Code 73584 non-null values X Coordinate 74043 non-null values Y Coordinate 74043 non-null values Ward 74044 non-null values Police District 74044 non-null values Community Area 74044 non-null values Latitude 74043 non-null values Longitude 74043 non-null values Location 74043 non-null values dtypes: float64(11), object(9) >>> # Investigate range of values for a certain field >>> rats['Current Activity'].unique() array([nan, Dispatch Crew, Request Sanitation Inspector], dtype=object) >>> # Filter the data >>> crew_dispatched = rats[rats['Current Activity'] == 'Dispatch Crew'] >>> len(crew_dispatched) 65676 >>> >>> # Find 10 most rat-infested ZIP codes in Chicago >>> crew_dispatched['ZIP Code'].value_counts()[:10] 60647 3837 60618 3530 60614 3284 60629 3251 60636 2801 60657 2465 60641 2238 60609 2206 60651 2152 60632 2071 >>> >>> # Group by completion date >>> dates = crew_dispatched.groupby('Completion Date') >>> len(dates) 472 >>> >>> # Determine counts on each day >>> date_counts = dates.size() >>> date_counts[0:10] Completion Date 01/03/2011 4 01/03/2012 125 01/04/2011 54 01/04/2012 38 01/05/2011 78 01/05/2012 100 01/06/2011 100 01/06/2012 58 01/07/2011 1 01/09/2012 12 >>> >>> # Sort the counts >>> date_counts.sort() >>> date_counts[-10:] Completion Date 10/12/2012 313 10/21/2011 314 09/20/2011 316 10/26/2011 319 02/22/2011 325 10/26/2012 333 03/17/2011 336 10/13/2011 378 10/14/2011 391 10/07/2011 457 >>>