快捷鍵 | 功能 |
ctrl+shift+n | 打開新Sublime |
ctrl+shift+w | 關閉Sublime,關閉所有打開文件 |
ctrl+shift+t | 重新打開最近關閉文件 |
ctrl+n | 新建文件 |
ctrl+s | 保存 |
ctrl+shift+s | 另存為 |
ctrl+f4 | 關閉文件 |
ctrl+w | 關閉 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+b | 切換側邊欄顯示狀態(tài) |
f11 | 切換全屏狀態(tài) |
shift+f11 | 免打擾模式狀態(tài)切換 |
backspace | 刪除左側 |
shift+backspace | 左側刪除 |
ctrl+shift+backspace | 左側全部刪除 |
delete | 右側刪除 |
enter | 插入 |
shift+enter | 插入 |
ctrl+z | 撤消 |
ctrl+shift+z | 重做 |
ctrl+y | 重做或重復 |
ctrl+u | 軟撤消 |
ctrl+shift+u | 軟重做 |
ctrl+shift+v | 粘貼并格式化 |
shift+delete | 剪切 |
ctrl+insert | 拷貝 |
shift+insert | 粘貼 |
ctrl+x | 剪切 |
ctrl+c | 拷貝 |
ctrl+v | 粘貼 |
left | 移動 |
right | 移動 |
up | 移動 |
down | 移動 |
shift+left | 移動并選擇 |
shift+right | 移動并選擇 |
shift+up | 移動并選擇 |
shift+down | 移動并選擇 |
ctrl+left | 按\w規(guī)則移動(跳躍) |
ctrl+right | 按\w規(guī)則移動(跳躍) |
ctrl+shift+left | 按\w規(guī)則移動并選擇(跳躍) |
ctrl+shift+right | 按\w規(guī)則移動并選擇(跳躍) |
alt+left | 按單詞移動 |
alt+right | 按單詞移動 |
alt+shift+left | 按單詞移動并選擇 |
alt+shift+right | 按單詞移動并選擇 |
ctrl+alt+up | 選擇多行進行編輯 |
ctrl+alt+down | 選擇多行進行編輯 |
pageup | 移動 |
pagedown | 移動 |
shift+pageup | 移動+選擇 |
shift+pagedown | 移動+選擇 |
home | 移動到行首 |
end | 移動到行尾 |
shift+home | 選擇到行首 |
shift+end | 選擇到行尾 |
ctrl+home | 移動到頁首行頭 |
ctrl+end | 移動到頁尾行尾 |
ctrl+shift+home | 選擇到頁首行頭 |
ctrl+shift+end | 選擇到頁尾行尾 |
ctrl+up | 滾動行 |
ctrl+down | 滾動行 |
ctrl+pagedown | 下一視圖(視覺位置) |
ctrl+pageup | 前一視圖 |
ctrl+tab | 棧中下一視圖(打開順序) |
ctrl+shift+tab | 棧中前一視圖 |
ctrl+a | 全選 |
ctrl+shift+l | 選擇多行編輯 |
escape | 單個選擇 |
escape | 清除字段 |
escape | 清除字段 |
escape | 隱藏面板 |
escape | hide overlay |
escape | hide auto complete |
tab | insert best completion |
tab | insert best completion |
tab | replace completion with next completion |
tab | reindent |
tab | indent |
tab | next field |
tab | commit completion |
shift+tab | insert |
shift+tab | unindent |
shift+tab | unindent |
shift+tab | unindent |
shift+tab | prev field |
ctrl+] | 縮進 |
ctrl+[ | 不縮進 |
insert | toggle overwrite |
ctrl+l | 選擇行,重復可依次增加選擇下一行 |
ctrl+d | 選擇單詞,重復可增加選擇下一個相同的單詞 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+d | find under expand skip |
ctrl+shift+space | expand selection |
ctrl+shift+m | expand selection |
ctrl+m | 跳轉到對應括號 |
ctrl+shift+j | expand selection |
ctrl+shift+a | expand selection |
alt+. | close tag |
ctrl+q | toggle record macro |
ctrl+shift+q | run macro |
ctrl+enter | run macro file |
ctrl+shift+enter | 在當前行前插入新行 |
enter | commit completion |
ctrl+p | 搜索項目中的文件 |
ctrl+shift+p | 打開命令面板 |
ctrl+alt+p | prompt select project |
ctrl+r | 前往Method |
ctrl+g | 跳轉到第幾行 |
ctrl+; | show overlay |
ctrl+i | show panel |
ctrl+shift+i | show panel |
ctrl+f | 查找 |
ctrl+h | 查找替換 |
ctrl+shift+h | 查找替換下一個 |
f3 | 下一個匹配項 |
shift+f3 | 上一個匹配項 |
ctrl+f3 | 下一個匹配項 |
ctrl+shift+f3 | find under prev |
alt+f3 | find all under |
ctrl+e | slurp find string |
ctrl+shift+e | slurp replace string |
ctrl+shift+f | show panel |
f4 | next result |
shift+f4 | prev result |
f6 | toggle setting |
ctrl+f6 | next misspelling |
ctrl+shift+f6 | prev misspelling |
ctrl+shift+up | swap line up |
ctrl+shift+down | swap line down |
ctrl+backspace | delete word |
ctrl+shift+backspace | run macro file |
ctrl+delete | delete word |
ctrl+shift+delete | run macro file |
ctrl+/ | 當前行注釋狀態(tài)切換 |
ctrl+shift+/ | 當前位置注釋狀態(tài)切換 |
ctrl+j | 選擇標簽內容,將后繼行附加到行尾 |
ctrl+shift+d | duplicate line |
ctrl+` | show panel |
ctrl+space | auto complete |
ctrl+space | replace completion with auto complete |
ctrl+alt+shift+p | show scope name |
f7 | build |
ctrl+b | build |
ctrl+shift+b | build |
ctrl+break | exec |
ctrl+t | transpose |
f9 | 行排序 |
ctrl+f9 | 行排序 |
// Auto-pair quotes | |
\ | insert snippet |
\ | insert snippet |
\ | move |
backspace | run macro file |
// Auto-pair single quotes | |
' | insert snippet |
' | insert snippet |
' | move |
backspace | run macro file |
// Auto-pair brackets | |
( | insert snippet |
( | insert snippet |
) | move |
backspace | run macro file |
// Auto-pair square brackets | |
[ | insert snippet |
[ | insert snippet |
] | move |
backspace | run macro file |
// Auto-pair curly brackets | |
{ | insert snippet |
{ | insert snippet |
} | move |
backspace | run macro file |
enter | run macro file |
shift+enter | run macro file |
ctrl+1 | focus group |
ctrl+2 | focus group |
ctrl+3 | focus group |
ctrl+4 | focus group |
ctrl+shift+1 | move to group |
ctrl+shift+2 | move to group |
ctrl+shift+3 | move to group |
ctrl+shift+4 | move to group |
ctrl+0 | focus side bar |
alt+1 | select by index |
alt+2 | select by index |
alt+3 | select by index |
alt+4 | select by index |
alt+5 | select by index |
alt+6 | select by index |
alt+7 | select by index |
alt+8 | select by index |
alt+9 | select by index |
alt+0 | select by index |
f2 | next bookmark |
shift+f2 | prev bookmark |
ctrl+f2 | 標記狀態(tài)切換 |
ctrl+shift+f2 | clear bookmarks |
alt+f2 | select all bookmarks |
ctrl+shift+k | run macro file |
alt+q | wrap lines |
ctrl+k, ctrl+u | upper case |
ctrl+k, ctrl+l | lower case |
ctrl+k, ctrl+space | set mark |
ctrl+k, ctrl+a | select to mark |
ctrl+k, ctrl+w | delete to mark |
ctrl+k, ctrl+x | swap with mark |
ctrl+k, ctrl+y | yank |
ctrl+k, ctrl+k | run macro file |
ctrl+k, ctrl+backspace | run macro file |
ctrl+k, ctrl+g | clear bookmarks |
ctrl+k, ctrl+c | show at center |
ctrl++ | increase font size |
ctrl+= | increase font size |
ctrl+keypad plus | increase font size |
ctrl+- | decrease font size |
ctrl+keypad minus | decrease font size |
alt+shift+w | insert snippet |
ctrl+shift+[ | 折疊(代碼) |
ctrl+shift+] | 不折疊 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+1 | 按層級折疊(代碼),數字是層級數 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+2 | 按層級折疊(代碼),數字是層級數 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+3 | 按層級折疊(代碼),數字是層級數 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+4 | 按層級折疊(代碼),數字是層級數 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+5 | 按層級折疊(代碼),數字是層級數 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+6 | 按層級折疊(代碼),數字是層級數 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+7 | 按層級折疊(代碼),數字是層級數 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+8 | 按層級折疊(代碼),數字是層級數 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+9 | 按層級折疊(代碼),數字是層級數 |
ctrl+k, ctrl+0 | unfold all |
ctrl+k, ctrl+j | unfold all |
ctrl+k, ctrl+t | fold tag attributes |
context menu | context menu |
alt+c | toggle case sensitive |
alt+r | toggle regex |
alt+w | toggle whole word |
alt+a | toggle preserve case |
// 查找面板的按鍵綁定 | |
enter | 向后查找 |
shift+enter | 向前查找 |
alt+enter | 查找全部 |
// 替換面板的按鍵綁定 | |
enter | 查找下一個 |
shift+enter | 查找前一個 |
alt+enter | 查找全部 |
ctrl+alt+enter | 替換全部 |
// Incremental find panel key bindings | |
enter | hide panel |
shift+enter | find prev |
alt+enter | find all |