1 2 3 4 5 | Aeschylus??? time ?as ?he?grows?old?teaches?many?lessons Alexander?Graham?Bell Mr.Watson,come?here.i?want?you! Benjamin?Franklin? it? is ?hard? for ?an?empty?bag? to ?stand?upright Benjamin?Franklin? little?strokes?fell?great?oaks --字段之間是tab,其它是空格 |
1 2 3 4 | drop ?table ?aa; create ?table ?aa(a? varchar (40),tt?text); load ?data? local ?infile? 'a.txt' ?into ?table ?aa; select ?*? from ?aa; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | root@localhost[lhrdb]>? drop ?table ?aa; Query?OK,?0? rows ?affected?(0.17?sec) root@localhost[lhrdb]>? create ?table ?aa(a? varchar (40),tt?text); Query?OK,?0? rows ?affected?(0.30?sec) root@localhost[lhrdb]>? load ?data? local ?infile? 'a.txt' ?into ?table ?aa; Query?OK,?4? rows ?affected?(0.07?sec) Records:?4??Deleted:?0??Skipped:?0??Warnings:?0 root@localhost[lhrdb]>? select ?*? from ?aa; + -----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ |?a?????????????????????|?tt???????????????????????????????????????????| + -----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ |?Aeschylus?????????????|? time ?as ?he?grows?old?teaches?many?lessons????| |?Alexander?Graham?Bell?|?Mr.Watson,come?here.i?want?you!??????????????| |?Benjamin?Franklin?????|?it? is ?hard? for ?an?empty?bag? to ?stand?upright?| |?Benjamin?Franklin?????|?little?strokes?fell?great?oaks???????????????| + -----------------------+----------------------------------------------+ 4? rows ?in ?set ?(0.00?sec) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 | root@localhost[lhrdb]>?help? load ?data Name :? 'LOAD?DATA' Description: Syntax: LOAD ?DATA?[LOW_PRIORITY?|?CONCURRENT]?[ LOCAL ]?INFILE? 'file_name' ???? [ REPLACE ?|? IGNORE ] ???? INTO ?TABLE ?tbl_name ???? [PARTITION?(partition_name,...)] ???? [ CHARACTER ?SET ?charset_name] ???? [{FIELDS?|?COLUMNS} ???????? [TERMINATED? BY ?'string' ] ???????? [[OPTIONALLY]?ENCLOSED? BY ?'char' ] ???????? [ESCAPED? BY ?'char' ] ???? ] ???? [LINES ???????? [STARTING? BY ?'string' ] ???????? [TERMINATED? BY ?'string' ] ???? ] ???? [ IGNORE ?number?{LINES?|? ROWS }] ???? [(col_name_or_user_var,...)] ???? [ SET ?col_name?=?expr,...] The? LOAD ?DATA?INFILE?statement?reads? rows ?from ?a?text?file? into ?a? table at ?a?very?high?speed.? LOAD ?DATA?INFILE? is ?the?complement? of ?SELECT ?... INTO ?OUTFILE.?(See http://dev.MySQL.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/ select - into .html.)? To ?write?data from ?a? table ?to ?a?file,?use? SELECT ?...? INTO ?OUTFILE.? To ?read ?the?file back? into ?a? table ,?use? LOAD ?DATA?INFILE.?The?syntax? of ?the?FIELDS? and LINES?clauses? is ?the?same? for ?both?statements.?Both?clauses?are optional,?but?FIELDS?must?precede?LINES?if?both?are?specified. You?can?also? load ?data?files? by ?using?the?mysqlimport?utility;?it operates? by ?sending?a? LOAD ?DATA?INFILE?statement? to ?the?server.?The --local?option?causes?mysqlimport?to?read?data?files?from?the?client host.?You?can?specify?the? --compress?option?to?get?better?performance over?slow?networks?if?the?client? and ?server?support?the?compressed protocol.?See?http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysqlimport.html. For ?more?information?about?the?efficiency? of ?INSERT ?versus? LOAD ?DATA INFILE? and ?speeding?up? LOAD ?DATA?INFILE,?see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/ insert -optimization.html. The?file? name ?must?be?given? as ?a?literal?string.? On ?Windows,?specify backslashes? in ?path?names? as ?forward ?slashes? or ?doubled?backslashes. The?character_set_filesystem?system?variable?controls?the interpretation? of ?the?file? name . LOAD ?DATA?supports?explicit?partition?selection?using?the?PARTITION option ?with ?a?comma-separated?list? of ?one? or ?more?names? of ?partitions, subpartitions,? or ?both.? When ?this? option ?is ?used,?if? any ?rows ?from ?the file?cannot?be?inserted? into ?any ?of ?the?partitions? or ?subpartitions named? in ?the?list,?the?statement?fails? with ?the?error?Found?a?row? not matching?the?given?partition? set .? For ?more?information,?see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-selection.html. For ?partitioned?tables?using?storage?engines?that?employ? table ?locks, such? as ?MyISAM,? LOAD ?DATA?cannot?prune? any ?partition?locks.?This?does not ?apply? to ?tables?using?storage?engines?which?employ?row- level locking,?such? as ?InnoDB.? For ?more?information,?see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/partitioning-limitations-locking .html. The?server?uses?the? character ?set ?indicated? by ?the character_set_database?system?variable? to ?interpret?the?information? in the?file.? SET ?NAMES? and ?the?setting? of ?character_set_client?do? not affect?interpretation? of ?input.?If?the?contents? of ?the?input?file?use?a character ?set ?that?differs? from ?the? default ,?it? is ?usually?preferable to ?specify?the? character ?set ?of ?the?file? by ?using?the? CHARACTER ?SET clause.?A? character ?set ?of ?binary ?specifies? "no?conversion." LOAD ?DATA?INFILE?interprets? all ?fields? in ?the?file? as ?having ?the?same character ?set ,?regardless? of ?the?data?types? of ?the?columns? into ?which field? values ?are?loaded.? For ?proper?interpretation? of ?file?contents, you?must?ensure?that?it?was?written? with ?the?correct? character ?set .? For example,?if?you?write?a?data?file? with ?mysqldump?-T? or ?by ?issuing?a SELECT ?...? INTO ?OUTFILE?statement? in ?mysql,?be?sure? to ?use?a --default-character-set?option?so?that?output?is?written?in?the character ?set ?to ?be?used? when ?the?file? is ?loaded? with ?LOAD ?DATA?INFILE. *Note*: It? is ?not ?possible? to ?load ?data?files?that?use?the?ucs2,?utf16, utf16le,? or ?utf32? character ?set . If?you?use?LOW_PRIORITY,?execution? of ?the? LOAD ?DATA?statement? is delayed?until? no ?other?clients?are?reading? from ?the? table .?This?affects only ?storage?engines?that?use? only ?table - level ?locking?(such? as ?MyISAM, MEMORY,? and ?MERGE). If?you?specify?CONCURRENT? with ?a?MyISAM? table ?that?satisfies?the condition? for ?concurrent?inserts?(that? is ,?it? contains ?no ?free ?blocks in ?the?middle),?other?threads?can?retrieve?data? from ?the? table ?while LOAD ?DATA? is ?executing.?This? option ?affects?the?performance? of ?LOAD DATA?a? bit ,?even?if? no ?other?thread? is ?using?the? table ?at ?the?same time . With ?row-based?replication,?CONCURRENT? is ?replicated?regardless? of MySQL?version.? With ?statement-based?replication?CONCURRENT? is ?not replicated? prior ?to ?MySQL?5.5.1?(see?Bug?#34628).? For ?more?information, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication-features- load -data.h tml. The? LOCAL ?keyword?affects?expected?location? of ?the?file? and ?error handling,? as ?described?later.? LOCAL ?works? only ?if?your?server? and ?your client?both?have?been?configured? to ?permit?it.? For ?example,?if?mysqld was?started? with ?the?local_infile?system?variable?disabled,? LOCAL ?does not ?work .?See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/ load -data- local .html. The? LOCAL ?keyword?affects? where ?the?file? is ?expected? to ?be?found: o?If? LOCAL ?is ?specified,?the?file? is ?read ?by ?the?client?program? on ?the ?? client?host? and ?sent? to ?the?server.?The?file?can?be?given? as ?a? full ?? path? name ?to ?specify?its?exact?location.?If?given? as ?a? relative ?path ?? name ,?the? name ?is ?interpreted? relative ?to ?the?directory? in ?which?the ?? client?program?was?started. ?? When ?using? LOCAL ?with ?LOAD ?DATA,?a?copy? of ?the?file? is ?created? in ?the ?? server 's?temporary?directory.?This?is?not?the?directory?determined?by ?? the?value?of?tmpdir?or?slave_load_tmpdir,?but?rather?the?operating ?? system' s? temporary ?directory,? and ?is ?not ?configurable? in ?the?MySQL ?? Server.?(Typically?the?system? temporary ?directory? is ?/tmp? on ?Linux ?? systems? and ?C:\WINDOWS\ TEMP ?on ?Windows.)?Lack? of ?sufficient? space ?for ?? the?copy? in ?this?directory?can?cause?the? LOAD ?DATA? LOCAL ?statement? to ?? fail. o?If? LOCAL ?is ?not ?specified,?the?file?must?be?located? on ?the?server ?? host? and ?is ?read ?directly? by ?the?server.?The?server?uses?the ?? following?rules? to ?locate?the?file: ?? o?If?the?file? name ?is ?an? absolute ?path? name ,?the?server?uses?it? as ???? given. ?? o?If?the?file? name ?is ?a? relative ?path? name ?with ?one? or ?more?leading ???? components,?the?server?searches? for ?the?file? relative ?to ?the ???? server 's?data?directory. ?? o?If?a?file?name?with?no?leading?components?is?given,?the?server ???? looks?for?the?file?in?the?database?directory?of?the?default ???? database. In?the?non-LOCAL?case,?these?rules?mean?that?a?file?named?as ./myfile.txt?is?read?from?the?server' s?data?directory,?whereas?the?file named? as ?myfile.txt? is ?read ?from ?the? database ?directory? of ?the? default database .? For ?example,?if?db1? is ?the? default ?database ,?the?following LOAD ?DATA?statement?reads?the?file?data.txt? from ?the? database ?directory for ?db1,?even?though?the?statement?explicitly?loads?the?file? into ?a table ?in ?the?db2? database : LOAD ?DATA?INFILE? 'data.txt' ?INTO ?TABLE ?db2.my_table; Non- LOCAL ?load ?operations? read ?text?files?located? on ?the?server.? For security?reasons,?such?operations?require?that?you?have?the?FILE privilege.?See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/ privileges -provided.html.?Also, non- LOCAL ?load ?operations?are?subject? to ?the?secure_file_priv?system variable?setting.?If?the?variable?value? is ?a?nonempty?directory? name , the?file? to ?be?loaded?must?be?located? in ?that?directory.?If?the variable?value? is ?empty?(which? is ?insecure),?the?file?need? only ?be readable? by ?the?server. Using? LOCAL ?is ?a? bit ?slower?than?letting?the?server?access?the?files directly,?because?the?contents? of ?the?file?must?be?sent?over?the connection ?by ?the?client? to ?the?server.? On ?the?other?hand,?you?do? not need?the?FILE?privilege? to ?load ?local ?files. LOCAL ?also?affects?error?handling: o? With ?LOAD ?DATA?INFILE,?data-interpretation? and ?duplicate- key ?errors ?? terminate?the?operation. o? With ?LOAD ?DATA? LOCAL ?INFILE,?data-interpretation? and ?duplicate- key ?? errors?become?warnings? and ?the?operation?continues?because?the?server ?? has? no ?way? to ?stop?transmission? of ?the?file? in ?the?middle? of ?the ?? operation.? For ?duplicate- key ?errors,?this? is ?the?same? as ?if? IGNORE ?is ?? specified.? IGNORE ?is ?explained?further?later? in ?this? section . The? REPLACE ?and ?IGNORE ?keywords?control?handling? of ?input? rows ?that duplicate?existing? rows ?on ?unique ?key ?values : o?If?you?specify? REPLACE ,?input? rows ?replace ?existing? rows .? In ?other ?? words,? rows ?that?have?the?same?value? for ?a? primary ?key ?or ?unique ?? index ?as ?an?existing?row.?See?[HELP? REPLACE ]. o?If?you?specify? IGNORE ,? rows ?that?duplicate?an?existing?row? on ?a ?? unique ?key ?value?are?discarded.? For ?more?information,?see ?? http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/sql-mode.html# ignore -strict-co ?? mparison. o?If?you?do? not ?specify?either? option ,?the?behavior?depends? on ?whether ?? the? LOCAL ?keyword? is ?specified.?Without? LOCAL ,?an?error?occurs? when ?a ?? duplicate? key ?value? is ?found,? and ?the?rest? of ?the?text?file? is ?? ignored.? With ?LOCAL ,?the? default ?behavior? is ?the?same? as ?if? IGNORE ?is ?? specified;?this? is ?because?the?server?has? no ?way? to ?stop?transmission ?? of ?the?file? in ?the?middle? of ?the?operation. URL:?http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/ load<
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