- Oracle中表是數(shù)據(jù)存儲的基本結構。隨之引入了分區(qū)表和對象表,后來又引入了臨時表,使表的功能更強大。
- 視圖是一個或多個表中數(shù)據(jù)的邏輯表達式。用戶可以將視圖看成一個存儲查詢(stored query)或一個虛擬表(virtual table).查詢僅僅存儲在oracle數(shù)據(jù)字典中,實際的數(shù)據(jù)沒有存放在任何其它地方,所以建立視圖不用消耗其他的空間。視圖也可以隱藏復雜查詢。
SQL>create table info
2 (
3 id number(4) constraint PK_id primary key, #constraint :約束
4 name varchar2(10),
5 score number(5,2),
6 born date,
7 address varchar2(50)
8 );
SQL>insert into info values(1,'zhangsan',88,to_date('2018-10-9','yyyy-mm-dd'),'nanjing');
SQL>insert into info values(2,'lisi',77,null,null);
SQL>insert into info values(3,'lwangwu',77,null,null);
SQL>create view view_info as select * from info; #創(chuàng)建視圖
select view view_info as select * from info; #查看視圖
drop view view_info; #刪除視圖
SQL>conn sys/abc123 as sysdba #切換到管理員
grant create materialized view to c##jerry; #創(chuàng)建物化視圖
grant query rewrite to c##jerry; #查詢重寫
grant create any table to c##jerry; #創(chuàng)建任何表
grant select any table to c##jerry; #查看任何表
SQL>create materialized view log on info;
SQL>create materialized view mtrlview_info #建立物化視圖名稱
build immediate #立馬生成數(shù)據(jù)
refresh fast #刷新(不開啟此功能=快照)
on commit #開啟提交功能
enable query rewrite #開啟查詢重寫
SQL>drop materialized view mtrlview_info;
SQL>create index score_index on info(score);
SQL>create unique index uni_index_info on info(id);
SQL>create index re_index_info on info(score) reverse;
SQL>create bitmap index bit_index_info on info(address);
SQL>create index upp_index_info on info(upper(name)); #大寫函數(shù)索引
SQL>select index_name,index_type,table_name,tablespace_name from user_indexes;
SQL>alter index 索引名稱 rebuild;
SQL>alter index 索引名稱 rebuild tablespace 表空間
SQL>alter index 索引名稱 coalesce;
SQL>drop index 索引名稱
SQL>create sequence toy_seq
start with 10 #初始值
increment by 1 #增量
maxvalue 2000 #最大值
nocycle #非循環(huán)(超過2000不重新開始)
cache 30; #緩存30個序列數(shù)字
SQL>create table toy
2 (
3 id number(4) constraint PK_id primary key,
4 name varchar2(10),
5 score number(5,2),
6 born date,
7 );
SQL>insert into toy values (toy_seq.nextval,'zhangsan',88); #nextval:指針(固定) .為調用
SQL>insert into toy values (toy_seq.nextval,'zhangsan',77);
SQL>select toy_seq.currval from dual;
drop sequence toy_seq;
SQL>create synonym pr_info for info;
SQL>select * from pr_info; #通過同義詞查看
SQL>create public synonym pub_info for info;
SQL> select * from pub_info; #查看
SQL>create tablespace tmp01
datafile '/orc/app/oracle/oradata/tmp01.dbf'
size 100M;
SQL>create tablespace tmp02
datafile '/orc/app/oracle/oradata/tmp02.dbf'
size 100M;
SQL>create tablespace tmp03
datafile '/orc/app/oracle/oradata/tmp03.dbf'
size 100M;
SQL>create tablespace tmp04
datafile '/orc/app/oracle/oradata/tmp04.dbf'
size 100M;
create table sales
sales_id number,
product_id vachar2(5),
sales_date date
partition by range (sales_date)
partition p1 values less than (to_date('2018-04-03','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace tmp01,
partition p2 values less than (to_date('2018-05-03','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace tmp02,
partition p3 values less than (to_date('2018-06-03','yyyy-mm-dd')) tablespace tmp03,
partition p4 values less than (maxvalue) tablespace tmp04
insert into sales values(1,'abc',to_date('2018-05-23','yyyy-mm-dd'));
select * from sales partition(p3);