下面是TestComplete 提供的Command line:
TestComplete.exe [file_name [/run
[(/project:project_name) |
(/project:project_name /projectitem:item_name) |
(/project:project_name /test:test_name) |
(/project:project_name /unit:unit_name /routine:routine_name)]
[/exit]] [/SilentMode [/ErrorLog:File_name]] [/ExportLog:File_name]
[Timeout:Time_in_seconds] [/ForceConversion] [/ns]
方案一:思路是用dos命令實(shí)現(xiàn),set /p命令定義一個(gè)可接收輸入值的變量,然后將改變量值與當(dāng)前時(shí)間對(duì)比,約定時(shí)間的格式,if判斷相等就執(zhí)行,否則就等待~
@echo off @echo /**************** begin *************/ ::author Alan_Y set /p executeTime=Please input the execution time(format:hhmm ,such as 1930): set /p projectModel=Please input project model(1:TestItems , 2:Main): set TCexePath=E:\software\TestComplete10\TestComplete.exe if %projectModel% EQU 1 ( set projectPath="E:\Learning\AutoTest\AutoTest.mds" ) else ( set projectPath="E:\Learning\AutoTest\AutoTestSuit.pjs" ) @echo. @echo TestComplete.exe path: %TCexePath% @echo. @echo Project path: %projectPath% @echo. set /a Timer=1 set sign=: :LOOP rem get the current time set currentTime=%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2% if %Timer% EQU 1 ( @echo the current Time: %currentTime:~0,2%%sign%%currentTime:~2,2% @echo the execute Time: %executeTime:~0,2%%sign%%executeTime:~2,2% @echo. ) else ( rem wait for 60s ping -n 60>nul 2>nul @echo the current Time: %time:~0,2%%sign%%time:~3,2% @echo the execute Time: %executeTime:~0,2%%sign%%executeTime:~2,2% @echo. ) if %currentTime%==%executeTime% ( rem kill TC process taskkill /F /IM "TestComplete*" rem run TC and execute project if %projectModel% EQU 1 ( start %TCexePath% /r /e %projectPath% ) else ( start %TCexePath% %projectPath% /r /p:AutoTest /t:"Script|fMain|main" )else ( set /a Timer=%Timer%+1 goto LOOP ) @echo /***************** end **************/
/**************** begin *************/
Please input the execution time(format:hhmm ,such as 1930):1830
Please input the project model(1:TestItems , 2:Main):2
TestComplete.exe path: E:\software\TestComplete10\TestComplete.exe
Project path: "E:\Learning\AutoTest\AutoTest.mds"
the current Time: 15:35
the execute Time: 18:30
the current Time: 15:36
the execute Time: 18:30
the current Time: 15:37
the execute Time: 18:30
方案二:通過VBScript 腳本實(shí)現(xiàn)運(yùn)行項(xiàng)目(VBScript作為腳本語(yǔ)言,沒有提供GUI控制界面,但可以通過內(nèi)嵌html代碼來實(shí)現(xiàn)界面操作):
dim projectPath,executeTime,executeHour,executeMinute,currentHour,currentMinute,interval set ie=wscript.createobject("internetexplorer.application","event_") '創(chuàng)建ie對(duì)象' ie.menubar=0 '取消菜單欄' ie.addressbar=0 '取消地址欄' ie.toolbar=0 '取消工具欄' ie.statusbar=0 '取消狀態(tài)欄' ie.width=400 '寬400' ie.height=400 '高400' ie.resizable=0 '不允許用戶改變窗口大小' ie.navigate "about:blank" '打開空白頁(yè)面' ie.left=fix((ie.document.parentwindow.screen.availwidth-ie.width)/2) '水平居中' ie.top=fix((ie.document.parentwindow.screen.availheight-ie.height)/2) '垂直居中' ie.visible=1 '窗口可見' with ie.document '以下調(diào)用document.write方法,' .write "Project Scheduler " '寫一段html到ie窗口中。' .write "Project Scheduler
" .write "
" .write "" .write "Select the Project path that you need to run." .write "
Project Path:
" .write "" .write "Input the execution time(24H) that you expect to run." .write "
Expected Time:" .write "
" .write " " .write "" .write "" end with 'author Alan_Y dim wmi '顯式定義一個(gè)全局變量 set wnd=ie.document.parentwindow '設(shè)置wnd為窗口對(duì)象 set id=ie.document.all '設(shè)置id為document中全部對(duì)象的集合 id.confirm.onclick=getref("confirm") '設(shè)置點(diǎn)擊"確定"按鈕時(shí)的處理函數(shù) id.cancel.onclick=getref("cancel") '設(shè)置點(diǎn)擊"取消"按鈕時(shí)的處理函數(shù) do while true '由于ie對(duì)象支持事件,所以相應(yīng)的 wscript.sleep 200 '腳本以無(wú)限循環(huán)來等待各種事件 loop sub event_onquit 'ie退出事件處理過程' wscript.quit '當(dāng)ie退出時(shí),腳本也退出' end sub sub cancel '"取消"事件處理過程' ie.quit '調(diào)用ie的quit方法,關(guān)閉IE窗口,隨后會(huì)觸發(fā)event_onquit,于是腳本也退出了' end sub sub confirm '"確定"事件處理過程,這是關(guān)鍵' with id if .proPath.value="" then .info.value="The Project Path can not be null." exit sub else projectPath = .proPath.value set fs =WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if fs.FileExists(projectPath) = true then if .execTime.value <> "" and InStr(.execTime.value,":")>0 then executeTime = .execTime.value executeHour = CInt(split(executeTime,":")(0)) executeMinute = CInt(split(executeTime,":")(1)) currentHour = Hour(now) currentMinute = Minute(now) if((executeHour*60 + executeMinute) < (currentHour*60 + currentMinute)) then 'another day interval = CInt((executeHour + 24 - currentHour)*60 + executeMinute - currentMinute) 'ms else interval = CInt((executeHour - currentHour)*60 + executeMinute - currentMinute) 'ms end if dim WshShell set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") if interval>0 then .confirm.disabled="disabled" Do while interval>0 .info.value= "Need to wait " & interval & " minutes." WshShell.sendkeys "{f5}" 'refresh WScript.Sleep(60000)'sleep 60s interval = interval -1 Loop if interval=0 then dim strCommand strCommand = "start " & Chr(34) & "TestComplete.exe" & Chr(34) & " /r /e " & Chr(34) & projectPath & Chr(34) .info.value = strCommand WshShell.Run strCommand , 0 ,true end if end if else .info.value="The format of Execution Time is not correct, please input again." exit sub end if else .info.value="The Project Path is invalid, check it please." exit sub end if end if end with end sub
Project Scheduler Project Scheduler
Select the Project path that you need to run.
Project Path:
Input the execution time(24H) that you expect to run.
Expected Time: