SELECT 'Lock' "Status", a.username "用戶名", a.sid "SID", a.serial# "SERIAL#", b.type "鎖類型", DECODE(b.lmode, 1, 'No Lock', 2, 'Row Share', 3, 'Row Exclusive', 4, 'Share', 5, 'Share Row Exclusive', 6, 'Exclusive', 'NONE') "占用的模式", DECODE(b.request, 1, 'No Lock', 2, 'Row Share', 3, 'Row Exclusive', 4, 'Share', 5, 'Share Row Exclusive', 6, 'Exclusive', 'NONE') "請求的模式", c.object_name "對象名", c.owner "對象所有者", c.object_type "對象類型", b.id1 "資源ID1", b.id2 "資源ID2",b.ctime "ctime(秒) ", 'ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '''||a.sid||','||a.serial#||''';' "kill Session ", 'kill -9 '||d.spid "Kill Process (Unix Linux)", 'orakill '||f.instance_name||' '||d.spid "Kill Process (Windows)" FROM v$session a, v$lock b, v$locked_object b1, dba_objects c, v$process d, v$instance fWHERE a.type <> 'BACKGROUND' AND a.sid = b.sid AND b.request = 0 AND d.addr = a.paddr AND b1.session_id = a.sid AND b1.object_id = c.object_id AND f.status = 'OPEN' AND f.database_status = 'ACTIVE' --and c.object_name ='CSEWS'order by b.ctime;
select * from v$session;--查看session