create database DBTestuse DBTest --創(chuàng)建測試表create table pagetest(id int identity(1,1) not null,col01 int null,col02 nvarchar(50) null,col03 datetime null) --1萬記錄集declare @i intset @i=0while(@i<10000)begin insert into pagetest select cast(floor(rand()*10000) as int),left(newid(),10),getdate() set @i=@i+1end
--寫法1,not in/top
select top 50 * from pagetestwhere id not in (select top 9900 id from pagetest order by id)order by id
--寫法2,not exists
select top 50 * from pagetestwhere not exists(select 1 from (select top 9900 id from pagetest order by id)a where a.id=pagetest.id)order by id
select top 50 * from pagetestwhere id>(select max(id) from (select top 9900 id from pagetest order by id)a)order by id
select top 50 * from(select row_number()over(order by id)rownumber,* from pagetest)awhere rownumber>9900 select * from(select row_number()over(order by id)rownumber,* from pagetest)awhere rownumber>9900 and rownumber<9951 select * from(select row_number()over(order by id)rownumber,* from pagetest)awhere rownumber between 9901 and 9950
--寫法5,在csdn上一帖子看到的,row_number() 變體,不基于已有字段產(chǎn)生記錄序號,先按條件篩選以及排好序,再在結(jié)果集上給一常量列用于產(chǎn)生記錄序號
select *from ( select row_number()over(order by tempColumn)rownumber,* from (select top 9950 tempColumn=0,* from pagetest where 1=1 order by id)a)bwhere rownumber>9900
declare @begin_date datetimedeclare @end_date datetimeselect @begin_date = getdate()<.....YOUR CODE.....>select @end_date = getdate()select datediff(ms,@begin_date,@end_date) as '毫秒'
2.not exists感覺是要比not in效率高一點點。
4.ROW_NUMBER() 的變體基于我這個測試效率實在不好。原帖在這里 http://topic.csdn.net/u/20100617/04/80d1bd99-2e1c-4083-ad87-72bf706cb536.html
ROWNUMBER():ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Proc_SqlPageByRownumber]( @tbName VARCHAR(255), --表名 @tbGetFields VARCHAR(1000)= '*',--返回字段 @OrderfldName VARCHAR(255), --排序的字段名 @PageSize INT=20, --頁尺寸 @PageIndex INT=1, --頁碼 @OrderType bit = 0, --0升序,非0降序 @strWhere VARCHAR(1000)='', --查詢條件 --@TotalCount INT OUTPUT --返回總記錄數(shù))AS-- =============================================-- Author: allen (liyuxin)-- Create date: 2012-03-30-- Description: 分頁存儲過程(支持多表連接查詢)-- Modify [1]: 2012-03-30-- =============================================BEGIN DECLARE @strSql VARCHAR(5000) --主語句 DECLARE @strSqlCount NVARCHAR(500)--查詢記錄總數(shù)主語句 DECLARE @strOrder VARCHAR(300) -- 排序類型 --------------總記錄數(shù)--------------- IF ISNULL(@strWhere,'') <>'' SET @strSqlCount='Select @TotalCout=count(*) from ' + @tbName + ' where 1=1 '+ @strWhere ELSE SET @strSqlCount='Select @TotalCout=count(*) from ' + @tbName --exec sp_executesql @strSqlCount,N'@TotalCout int output',@TotalCount output --------------分頁------------ IF @PageIndex <= 0 SET @PageIndex = 1 IF(@OrderType<>0) SET @strOrder=' ORDER BY '+@OrderfldName+' DESC ' ELSE SET @strOrder=' ORDER BY '+@OrderfldName+' ASC ' SET @strSql='SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER('+@strOrder+') RowNo,'+ @tbGetFields+' FROM ' + @tbName + ' WHERE 1=1 ' + @strWhere+' ) tb WHERE tb.RowNo BETWEEN '+str((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize+1)+' AND ' +str(@PageIndex*@PageSize) exec(@strSql) SELECT @TotalCountEND
public static SqlParameter MakeInParam(string ParamName, SqlDbType DbType, Int32 Size, object Value) { return MakeParam(ParamName, DbType,Size, ParameterDirection.Input, Value); } public static SqlParameter MakeOutParam(string ParamName, SqlDbType DbType) { return MakeParam(ParamName, DbType, 0, ParameterDirection.Output, null); } public static SqlParameter MakeParam(string ParamName, SqlDbType DbType, Int32 Size, ParameterDirection Direction, object Value) { SqlParameter param; if (Size > 0) param = new SqlParameter(ParamName, DbType, Size); else param = new SqlParameter(ParamName, DbType); param.Direction = Direction; if (!(Direction == ParameterDirection.Output && Value == null)) param.Value = Value; return param; } ////// 分頁獲取數(shù)據(jù)列表及總行數(shù) /// /// 表名 /// 返回字段 /// 排序的字段名 /// 頁尺寸 /// 頁碼 /// false升序,true降序 /// 查詢條件 public static DataSet GetPageList(string tbName, string tbGetFields, string OrderFldName, int PageSize, int PageIndex, string strWhere) { SqlParameter[] parameters = { MakeInParam("@tbName",SqlDbType.VarChar,255,tbName), MakeInParam("@tbGetFields",SqlDbType.VarChar,1000,tbGetFields), MakeInParam("@OrderfldName",SqlDbType.VarChar,255,OrderFldName), MakeInParam("@PageSize",SqlDbType.Int,0,PageSize), MakeInParam("@PageIndex",SqlDbType.Int,0,PageIndex), MakeInParam("@OrderType",SqlDbType.Bit,0,OrderType), MakeInParam("@strWhere",SqlDbType.VarChar,1000,strWhere), // MakeOutParam("@TotalCount",SqlDbType.Int) }; return RunProcedure("Proc_SqlPageByRownumber", parameters, "ds"); }
public DataTable GetList(string tbName, string tbGetFields, string OrderFldName, int PageSize, int PageIndex, string strWhere, ref int TotalCount) { DataSet ds = dal.GetList(tbName, tbGetFields, OrderFldName, PageSize, PageIndex, strWhere); TotalCount = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0]); return ds.Tables[0]; }
tbName =“UserInfo u INNER JOIN Department d ON u.DepID=d.ID” tbGetFields=“u.ID AS UserID,u.Name,u.Sex,d.ID AS DepID,d.DefName” OrderfldName=“u.ID,ASC|u.Name,DESC” (格式:Name,ASC|ID,DESC) strWhere:每個條件前必須添加 AND (例如:AND UserInfo.DepID=1 )
create proc [dbo].[spSqlPageByMaxTop]@tbName varchar(255), --表名@tbFields varchar(1000), --返回字段@PageSize int, --頁尺寸@PageIndex int, --頁碼@strWhere varchar(1000), --查詢條件@StrOrder varchar(255), --排序條件@Total int output --返回總記錄數(shù)asdeclare @strSql varchar(5000) --主語句declare @strSqlCount nvarchar(500)--查詢記錄總數(shù)主語句--------------總記錄數(shù)---------------if @strWhere !=''beginset @strSqlCount='Select @TotalCout=count(*) from ' + @tbName + ' where '+ @strWhereendelsebeginset @strSqlCount='Select @TotalCout=count(*) from ' + @tbNameend--------------分頁------------if @PageIndex <= 0begin set @PageIndex = 1endset @strSql='select top '+str(@PageSize)+' * from ' + @tbName + 'where id>(select max(id) from (select top '+str((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize)+' id from ' + @tbName + ''+@strOrder+')a)'+@strOrder+''exec sp_executesql @strSqlCount,N'@TotalCout int output',@Total outputexec(@strSql)
declare @count int--exec [dbo].[spSqlPageByRownumber]'pagetest','*',50,20,'','order by id asc',@count outputexec [dbo].[spSqlPageByMaxTop]'pagetest','*',50,20,'','order by id asc',@count outputselect @count