cp makefile.suite makefile
make -f makefile
dbgen -v -U 1 -s 1
--create database tpch;
\c tpch;
--1. region
drop table if exists region;
create table region(
r_regionkey integer,
r_name char(25),
r_comment varchar(152),
r_extra char(1)
distributed by(r_regionkey);
--2. nation
drop table if exists nation;
create table nation(
n_nationkey integer,
n_name char(25),
n_regionkey integer,
n_comment varchar(152),
n_extra char(1)
distributed by(n_nationkey);
drop table if exists part;
create table part(
p_partkey bigint,
p_name varchar(55),
p_mfgr char(25),
p_brand char(10),
p_type varchar(25),
p_size integer,
p_container varchar(10),
p_retailprice decimal,
p_comment varchar(117),
p_extra char(1)
distributed by (p_partkey);
drop table if exists supplier;
create table supplier(
s_suppkey bigint,
s_name char(25),
s_address varchar(40),
s_nationkey int,
s_phone char(15),
s_acctbal decimal,
s_comment varchar(101),
r_extra char(1)
distributed by (s_suppkey);
drop table if exists partsupp;
create table partsupp(
ps_partkey bigint,
ps_suppkey bigint,
ps_availqty integer,
ps_supplycost decimal,
ps_comment varchar(199),
ps_extra char(1)
distributed by(ps_partkey);
drop table if exists customer;
create table customer(
c_custkey bigint,
c_name char(25),
c_address char(40),
c_nationkey integer,
c_phone char(15),
c_acctbal decimal,
c_mktsegment char(10),
c_comment varchar(117),
c_extra char(1)
distributed by (c_custkey);
drop table if exists orders;
create table orders(
o_orderkey bigint,
o_custkey bigint,
o_orderstatus char(1),
o_totalprice decimal,
o_orderdate date,
o_orderpriority char(15),
o_clerk char(15),
o_shippriority integer,
o_comment varchar(117),
o_extra char(1)
distributed by (o_orderkey );
drop table if exists lineitem;
create table lineitem(
l_orderkey bigint,
l_partkey bigint,
l_suppkey bigint,
l_linenumber integer,
l_quantity decimal,
l_extendedprice decimal,
l_discount decimal,
l_tax decimal,
l_returnflag char(1),
l_linestatus char(1),
l_shipdate date,
l_commitdate date,
l_receiptdate date,
l_shipinstruct char(25),
l_shipmode char(10),
l_comment varchar(117),
l_extra char(1)
distributed by (l_linenumber);
$hawq filespace -o tpc_h_config
$hdfs dfs -mkdir /hawq_fs
$hdfs dfs -chown gpadmin:gpadmin /hawq_fs
$hdfs dfs -ls /
$hawq filespace -c tpc_h_config
create tablespace ts_tpc_h filespace fs_tpc_h;
SELECT spcname AS tblspc, fsname AS filespc,
fsedbid AS seg_dbid, fselocation AS datadir
FROM pg_tablespace pgts, pg_filespace pgfs,
pg_filespace_entry pgfse
WHERE pgts.spcfsoid=pgfse.fsefsoid
AND pgfse.fsefsoid=pgfs.oid
ORDER BY tblspc, seg_dbid;
create database tpc_h with template template0 tablespace ts_tpc_h;
\c tpc_h;
create schema extschema;
select current_schema();
show search_path;
create external table extschema.region(
r_regionkey integer,
r_name char(25),
r_comment varchar(152),
r_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8';
ALTER DATABASE tpc_h SET search_path TO extschema, public;
drop view if exists v_order_customer ;
create view v_order_customer
as select o.o_orderkey, o.o_custkey, c.c_name,o.o_orderdate
from orders o join customer c on o.o_custkey=c.c_custkey
where o.o_orderdate>'1997-01-01';
select * from v_order_customer limit 10;
select * from v_order_customer where o_orderdate<='1997-01-01';
yum install -y libevent libyaml apr
gpfdist -d /tmp/data -p 8081 -l ~/log &
--1. region
drop external table if exists ext_region;
create external table ext_region(
r_regionkey integer,
r_name char(25),
r_comment varchar(152),
r_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8';
--2. nation
drop external table if exists ext_nation;
create external table ext_nation(
n_nationkey integer,
n_name char(25),
n_regionkey integer,
n_comment varchar(152),
n_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8';
drop external table if exists ext_part;
create external table ext_part(
p_partkey bigint,
p_name varchar(55),
p_mfgr char(25),
p_brand char(10),
p_type varchar(25),
p_size integer,
p_container varchar(10),
p_retailprice decimal,
p_comment varchar(117),
p_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8';
drop external table if exists ext_supplier;
create external table ext_supplier(
s_suppkey bigint,
s_name char(25),
s_address varchar(40),
s_nationkey int,
s_phone char(15),
s_acctbal decimal,
s_comment varchar(101),
s_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8';
drop external table if exists ext_partsupp;
create external table ext_partsupp(
ps_partkey bigint,
ps_suppkey bigint,
ps_availqty integer,
ps_supplycost decimal,
ps_comment varchar(199),
ps_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8';
drop external table if exists ext_customer;
create external table ext_customer(
c_custkey bigint,
c_name char(25),
c_address char(40),
c_nationkey integer,
c_phone char(15),
c_acctbal decimal,
c_mktsegment char(10),
c_comment varchar(117),
c_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8';
drop external table if exists ext_orders;
create external table ext_orders(
o_orderkey bigint,
o_custkey bigint,
o_orderstatus char(1),
o_totalprice decimal,
o_orderdate date,
o_orderpriority char(15),
o_clerk char(15),
o_shippriority integer,
o_comment varchar(117),
o_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8';
drop external table if exists ext_lineitem;
create external table ext_lineitem(
l_orderkey bigint,
l_partkey bigint,
l_suppkey bigint,
l_linenumber integer,
l_quantity decimal,
l_extendedprice decimal,
l_discount decimal,
l_tax decimal,
l_returnflag char(1),
l_linestatus char(1),
l_shipdate date,
l_commitdate date,
l_receiptdate date,
l_shipinstruct char(25),
l_shipmode char(10),
l_comment varchar(117),
l_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8';
handling errors:
drop external table if exists ext_region1;
create external table ext_region1(
r_regionkey integer,
r_name char(25),
r_comment varchar(152),
r_extra char(1)
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null '' escape 'OFF')
encoding 'UTF8'
log errors into errortable segment reject limit 10 rows;
select * from ext_region limit 10;
select * from ext_nation limit 10;
select * from ext_part limit 10;
select * from ext_supplier limit 10;
select * from ext_partsupp limit 10;
select * from ext_customer limit 10;
select * from ext_orders limit 10;
select * from ext_lineitem limit 10;
insert into region select * from ext_region;
insert into nation select * from ext_nation;
insert into part select * from ext_part;
insert into supplier select * from ext_supplier;
insert into partsupp select * from ext_partsupp;
insert into customer select * from ext_customer;
insert into orders select * from ext_orders;
insert into lineitem select * from ext_lineitem;
select * from region limit 10;
select * from nation limit 10;
select * from part limit 10;
select * from supplier limit 10;
select * from partsupp limit 10;
select * from customer limit 10;
select * from orders limit 10;
select * from lineitem limit 10;
copy region from '/tmp/data/region.tbl'
with delimiter '|';
--log errors into errtable segment reject limit 10 rows;
source /usr/local/hawq/greenplum_path.sh
sudo yum install -y libevent libyaml apr
create table audit(cmd varchar(10), t timestamp);
gpfdist -p 8081 -d /tmp/data -l ~/log &
USER: gpadmin
HOST: master1
PORT: 5432
- worker1
PORT: 8081
- region.tbl
- r_regionkey: integer
- r_name: text
- r_comment: text
- r_extra: text
- FORMAT: text
- ERROR_TABLE: public.errortable
- TABLE: public.region
- BEFORE: "INSERT INTO audit VALUES('start', current_timestamp)"
- AFTER: "INSERT INTO audit VALUES('end', current_timestamp)"
hawq load -f load.yaml
drop external table if exists pxf_hdfs_textsimple;
create external table pxf_hdfs_textsimple(location text, month text, num_orders int, total_sales float8)
location ('pxf://mycluster/hawq_fs/pxf_data/pxf_hdfs_simple.txt?profile=hdfstextsimple')
format 'text' (delimiter=e',');
create external table pxf_hdfs_textsimple(location text, month text, num_orders int, total_sales float8)
location ('pxf://master1.bigdata:51200/hawq_fs/pxf_data/pxf_hdfs_simple.txt?profile=hdfstextsimple')
format 'text' (delimiter=e',');
drop external table if exists h.pxf_inventory;
create external table h.pxf_inventory
inv_date_sk integer,
inv_item_sk integer,
inv_warehouse_sk integer,
inv_quantity_on_hand integer,
inv_null varchar(10)
)location ('pxf://master1.bigdata:51200/tpcdsdata/30T/inventory/data-m-*?profile=hdfstextsimple')
format 'TEXT' (DELIMITER '|' NULL '');
echo 'Prague,Jan,101,4875.33
Beijing,Jul,411,11600.67' > /tmp/pxf_hdfs_simple.txt
hdfs dfs -put /tmp/pxf_hdfs_simple.txt /hawq_fs/pxf_data/
hdfs dfs -cat /hawq_fs/pxf_data/pxf_hdfs_simple.txt
select * from pxf_hdfs_textsimple;
drop table if exists salesinfo;
create table salesinfo(location text, month text, num_orders int, total_sales float8)
distributed randomly;
drop table if exists sales_info;
create table sales_info (location string, month string,
number_of_orders int, total_sales double)
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
stored as textfile;
San Francisco,Sept,156,6846.34
San Francisco,Jan,113,5397.89
load data local inpath '/tmp/pxf_hive_datafile.txt'
into table sales_info;
drop table if exists salesinfo_hiveprofile;
create external table salesinfo_hiveprofile(location text, month text, num_orders int, total_sales float8)
location ('pxf://mycluster/default.sales_info?profile=hive')
format 'custom' (formatter='pxfwritable_import');
insert into salesinfo select * from salesinfo_hiveprofile;
SELECT * FROM hcatalog.hive-db-name.hive-table-name;
SELECT * FROM hcatalog.default.sales_info;
insert into salesinfo SELECT * FROM hcatalog.default.sales_info;
drop EXTERNAL table if exists hbase_sales;
create external table hbase_sales(
recordkey bytea,
"cf1:saleid" varchar,
"cf8:comments" varchar)
location ('pxf://mycluster/sales?profile=hbase')
format 'custom'(formatter='pxfwritable_import')
encoding 'utf8';
cd /usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/bin
./hbase shell
create 'sales', {NAME=>'cf1',VERSION=>2},{NAME=>'cf8',VERSION=>2}
#create 'pxf_hbase_region', {NAME=>'cf1',VERSION=>2}
put 'sales','rk001','cf1:saleid', 's001'
put 'sales','rk001','cf8:comments', 'comments1'
select * from hbase_sales;
create 'pxflookup', {NAME=>'mapping',VERSION=>2}
put 'pxflookup', 'sales', 'mapping:id', 'cf1:saleid'
put 'pxflookup', 'sales', 'mapping:cmts', 'cf8:comments'
drop EXTERNAL table if exists pxf_hbase_sales ;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE pxf_hbase_sales (
recordkey bytea,
id varchar,
cmts varchar
)location ('pxf://mycluster/sales?profile=hbase')
format 'custom'(formatter='pxfwritable_import')
encoding 'utf8';
select * from pxf_hbase_sales;
grant all privileges on *.* to "pxf"@"%" identified by 'test';
mysql> use test;
mysql> create table myclass(
id int(4) not null primary key,
name varchar(20) not null,
gender int(4) not null default '0',
degree double(16,2));
insert into myclass values(1,"tom",1,90);
insert into myclass values(2,'john',0,94);
insert into myclass values(3,'simon',1,79);
drop external table if exists jdbc_myclass;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE jdbc_myclass(id integer,
name text,
gender integer,
degree float8)
LOCATION ('pxf://localhost:51200/test.myclass'
FORMAT 'CUSTOM' (Formatter='pxfwritable_import');
select * from jdbc_myclass;
create table sales_info (location varchar(200), month varchar(10),
number_of_orders int, total_sales double);
insert into sales_info values("Prague","Jan",101,4875.33),
("San Francisco","Sept",156,6846.34),
("San Francisco","Jan",113,5397.89),
drop external table if exists jdbc_sales_info ;
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE jdbc_sales_info (location varchar(200), month varchar(10),
number_of_orders integer, total_sales float8)
LOCATION ('pxf://localhost:51200/test.sales_info'
FORMAT 'CUSTOM' (Formatter='pxfwritable_import');
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE sales(id integer,
cdate date,
amt float8,
grade text)
LOCATION ('pxf://localhost:51200/sales'
FORMAT 'CUSTOM' (Formatter='pxfwritable_import');
create writable external table unload_region
(like region)
location ('gpfdist://')
format 'text' (delimiter ',');
insert into unload_region select * from region;
cat exp_region.tbl
方法二 使用copy卸載數(shù)據(jù)
copy region
to '/home/gpadmin/region.out';
copy (select * from region where r_regionkey=1)
to '/home/gpadmin/region.out';
create writable external table pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_1(location text, month text, num_orders int, total_sales float8)
location ('pxf://mycluster/hawq_fs/pxf_data/pxfwritable_hdfs_textsimple1?profile=hdfstextsimple')
format 'text' (delimiter=e',');
insert into pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_1 values ( 'frankfurt', 'mar', 777, 3956.98 );
insert into pxf_hdfs_writabletbl_1 values ( 'cleveland', 'oct', 3812, 96645.37 );