目前創(chuàng)新互聯公司已為上千多家的企業(yè)提供了網站建設、域名、虛擬主機、成都網站托管、企業(yè)網站設計、歙縣網站維護等服務,公司將堅持客戶導向、應用為本的策略,正道將秉承"和諧、參與、激情"的文化,與客戶和合作伙伴齊心協力一起成長,共同發(fā)展。1、regexp_like 只能用于條件表達式,和 like 類似,但是使用的正則表達式進行匹配,語法很簡單:
2、regexp_substr 函數,和 substr 類似,用于拾取合符正則表達式描述的字符子串,語法如下:
3、regexp_instr 函數,和 instr 類似,用于標定符合正則表達式的字符子串的開始位置,語法如下:
4、regexp_replace 函數,和 replace 類似,用于替換符合正則表達式的字符串,語法如下:
取值范圍: i:大小寫不敏感; c:大小寫敏感;n:點號 . 不匹配換行符號;m:多行模式;x:擴展模式,忽略正則表達式中的空白字符。
create table tmp as with data as ( select 'like' as id ,'a9999' as str from dual union all select 'like' ,'a9c' from dual union all select 'like' ,'A7007' from dual union all select 'like' ,'123a34cc' from dual union all select 'substr' ,'123,234,345' from dual union all select 'substr' ,'12,34.56:78' from dual union all select 'substr' ,'123456789' from dual union all select 'instr' ,'' from dual union all select 'replace' ,'(020)12345678' from dual union all select 'replace' ,'001517729C28' from dual ) select * from data ;
SELECT * FROM tmp; --查詢結果如下
--regexp_like 示例 --1.匹配有字母 "a"的字符不區(qū)分大小寫,且匹配任意數字 \d :匹配任意數字字符 select str from tmp where id = 'like' and regexp_like(str,'a\d+','i');
select str from tmp where id='like' and regexp_like(str, 'a\d+');
select str from tmp where id='like' and regexp_like(str,'^a\d+');
SELECT str from tmp where id='like' and regexp_like(str,'^a\d+$');
--regexp_substr示例1 SELECTstr, regexp_substr(str,'[^,]+') str_1_1, regexp_substr(str,'[^,]+',1,1) str_1_1, regexp_substr(str,'[^,]+',1,2) str_1_2, -- occurrence 第幾個匹配組regexp_substr(str,'[^,]+',2,1) str_2_1 -- position 從第幾個字符開始匹配from tmpwhere id='substr';
--regexp_substr示例2 SELECTSTR, REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, '\d') STR, REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, '\d+', 1, 1) STR, REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, '\d{2}', 1, 2) STR, REGEXP_SUBSTR(STR, '\d{3}', 2, 1) STRFROM TMPWHERE ID = 'substr';
--regexp_instr示例1 SELECTSTR, REGEXP_INSTR(STR, '\.') IND, REGEXP_INSTR(STR, '\.', 1, 2) IND, REGEXP_INSTR(STR, '\.', 5, 2) INDFROM TMPWHERE ID = 'instr';
--regexp_instr示例2 SELECTregexp_instr('','\.',1,level) ind , -- 點號. 所在的位置regexp_instr('','\d',1,level) ind -- 每個數字的位置from dual connect by level <= 9
--regexp_replace示例 SELECT STR, REGEXP_REPLACE(STR, '020', 'GZ') STR, REGEXP_REPLACE(STR, '(\d{3})(\d{3})', '<\2\1>') STR FROM TMPWHERE ID = 'replace';
--綜合示例 WITH SUDOKU AS(SELECT '020000080568179234090000010030040050040205090070080040050000060289634175010000020' AS LINEFROM DUAL), TMP AS(SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(LINE, '\d{9}', 1, LEVEL) ROW_LINE, LEVEL COLFROM SUDOKU CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 9)SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(ROW_LINE, '(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)', '\1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 \8 \9') ROW_LINEFROM TMP